Apr 23, 2013 | Blog, Overseas Travel, Travel pod archives
Honolulu here we come So yes I do know we have not long ago, if a year is not long ago, already had a trip the two of us but here we go again, and for the same reason as last year- this is Cams third attempt to go on the Governance course. I vetoed it three years ago...
Apr 8, 2013 | Blog, Overseas Travel, Travel pod archives
This is a blog transferred over from a now closed blog site TravelPod, its largely for memories for the family but there might be some interest for others travelling to Saba A few days in Singapore Well we are on our way and boy what a convoluted way to get to...
Oct 19, 2006 | Blog, Overseas Travel, Travel pod archives
This blog is made up of emails sent back from our Vietnam family travels, it wasn’t easy to find places to send them in 2006 and you had to type and send so no time for proof reading! It should give a flavour of our trip. Trip was from the 23 September to 18th...